
Friday, April 13, 2007

Filth of Mankind - The Final Chapter

Filth of Mankind - The Final Chapter

Honestly, I have no idea if this is tagged properly. BUT, It is some fucking awesome doom laden crust a la Stormcrow and the like. Highly suggested.

2.Poszanowanie róznorodnosci3:24
3.W piekle codziennosci4:49
4.Obledna rzeczywistosc4:38
5.Rejs ku zagladzie4:31
7.Cywilizacja jednorazowego uzytku3:01
8.Zamkniety rozdzial8:22

Monday, April 2, 2007

Muga - The Road Of Asura

Muga - The Road Of Asura

Three song demoish thing from my new favorite band. Tracks not on the previously posted S/T, and they're fucking good.